Well Saturday I was excited to be going to the BYU football game as I have been going to all of the home games this year with Jerrold, Laniece, Stephanie and Dallas. Saturday I got up to much cooler weather in fact when I got home from a meeting I had to go to it was raining and changing to slush. I thought oh no - I don't have good winter clothes for the football game. Well I went and bought thermal underwear and put on warm socks and the BYU sweat shirt LaNell game me for Christmas last year and I was set. I had a plastic poncho (in case it rained or snowed during the game) and I just knew I'd be ok. Well it was in the 40's but during the game it didn't rain or snow. It was a delightful day for a football game. I knew if we won I would be warm enough. There was 65,000 blue blooded fans there and right on the row behind us there were three smart mouth UTE fans whose only purpose in life was to ruin our fun adventure. Well they were completely obnoxious, loud and of course berating BYU's team and cheering loud for New Mexico. I think they were a little surprised that none of us were taking the bait they were throwing out and mostly ignoring them when they yelled "I can't wait untl we (the U of U) come down here. We're going to KILL! Well that was as much as a young man could stand, he stood up and yelled back at them " THEY'RE NOT COMMING DOWN HERE THIS YEAR YOU IDIOTS" We all laughed as they didn't dare take on a 10-12 yr old boy surrounded by crazy blue blooded adults. That really did take a little wind out of their sails and then they left at half time and didn't come back. I couldn't believe they paid for a ticket to heckle fans - they truly didn't seem that interested in the game except to whoop it up when a BYU player missed a throw etc. It was a very physical hard faught game and I was very glad we won. I'm sure every conference game we have will be the same.
Sunday morning when I got up to snow covering the car, lawn and rose bushes I couldn't help but be a little excited because the first snow is so beautiful and a reminder of the changing seasons. I really did take pictures at the BYU game and Sunday morning of the snow but somehow in the many months since I have used my little digital camera I forgot how to get the settings right and all the pictures were black (and no the cap was not still on covering the lens) so I will have Dustin see if he can help me get the settings right again as I have no idea where the instructions are. So I had to use clip art for the picture on this post.